Why choose us

TradeKins understands the challenges that institutions and businesses face when it comes to compliance and risk management.
In today's economy, organisations face increased complexities to comply with a wide range of trade regulations, including sanctions, export controls, and anti-bribery laws. Failure to comply has serious consequences like individual liability, fines, costly legal action, and reputational damage.

We offer comprehensive services designed to help you navigate the complex landscape of regulations and ensure that you remain fully compliant.

We bring a holistic and innovative approach to our work in global compliance. We recognize that every organisation is unique, with its own set of challenges and opportunities. That's why we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and develop customized solutions that address their unique compliance risks and requirements.

Our approach is designed to help businesses prevent, detect, and remediate the risks associated with non-compliance with both local and international laws and regulations.
Speaking at the Asean Conference

Our CRAFT Method

We take compliance seriously, and we know you do too. That's why we've developed the CRAFT Method: A five-step proprietary process that provides your organization with the most effective and engaging compliance training available.
By conducting a Thoughtful Needs Assessment for your employees, customers, and relevant regulatory authorities, we aim to design a training program that is tailored for genuine success.
We use real-life case studies and scenarios to ensure relatable, practical, and engaging experiences, featuring the latest regulations and best practices to cover evolving requirements.
To encourage greater participation across your organization, we offer a range of delivery options, including instructor-led training and virtual classrooms.
We will work with you to identify the most critical compliance risks and emerging threats facing your organization, and develop targeted training programs to address them effectively.
Through interactive learning activities and simulations, your employees will gain practical skills and knowledge that can be applied to different situations and contexts in their daily work.

Learn more about how we can protect your business and help it thrive.